Friday, October 8, 2010

Sara Osburn - Capturing Sara's Smile.

     I recently had the privilege to meet and photograph Sara Osburn from Mix 94.7 FM here in Austin.  Sara and I both do Improv here in Austin, and she called me up one day because she needed some pictures taken.  Sara needed a new head shot, a full length shot, and something fun that showed her personality.  After a few minutes of chit chat and a quick brainstorming session, we decided to do the shoot downtown.  I grabbed my camera and ran there to scout out a few good locations.  The scouting mission was fun, but the outside temperature was about 102.  It was well worth it, though.
     I found a few great locations near the corner of 4th Street and Lavaca.  I told her what I found, and we met there a few days later.  The best thing about working with Sara was the fact that she knew from the beginning what she wanted. She was also great at conversation, and her smile looked great on any pose I had her do.  The shoot lasted a couple hours, and we both immediately got to work proofing and retouching the images. She chose her 12 favorite images, and I felt they were too good not to post on Facebook and Flickr.
Thank you very much, Sara, for giving me the chance to capture these great images of you. I know we had a great time, and you taught me a few things that will make me a better photographer.

Note:  Click Play on the movie.  Then in the bottom right corner click on 360p twice to change the video to 720p.  Then select the full screen button to get the full effect.  Thanks for watching.